I’ve been using the self-sealing clear cellophane bags for packaging clothing for my e-commerce business. I figured a ziplock bag like these could be reused by the customer and result in less packaging becoming waste. I like these a lot better because they are thicker and seem more durable. They’re also soft and flexible, while the bags with the seal are stiff and crunchy. I’ve noticed the other bags rip easily and wrinkle when I have items stored in them for a short period of time if they’re moved around. These are flexible, like a traditional ziplock bag you buy at a grocery store, but thicker. They’re great for pre-packaging clothing and storing them because they don’t wrinkle or make any noise when rustling through a bunch of bagged up items. There is no print or logo on them, no suffocation warning, the zipper is completely clear and uncolored, have a tight seal, and hold their original shape after use, which makes me believe customers will be more likely to reuse them instead of throwing them in the trash. They’re handy to have for miscellaneous use. I’d recommend these to anyone choosing packaging for clothing or e-commerce inventory and greatly prefer them over the self-sealing cellophane bags.